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Fill your piggy bank with fun, love and money!

Professional Pig Magic
Image by Kenneth Schipper Vera

Professional Pig Magic

Balancing work, rest and play is crucial for a happy pig, so our guidance will help you to be more grounded and self-aware so that you can make work, work for you. This means you will have a tailored plan for wobbly moments and a clearer idea of what you want to achieve in your current role.  The workplace offers endless possibilities for personal development and change as you discover more about human nature. Be curious and stay curious with Pig's help, so you will be in a stronger position whether you want to grow in a new direction, improve your current situation or see what else is out there for you.

Persona Pig Magic

Personal Pig Magic

Wherever there is life, there is mess as humans remake and rediscover themselves. As we often encouraged to tidy away our desires  to please other people and not rock the boat, is it any wonder that we can struggle with changes such as job loss, divorce, death, baby loss and broken engagements?  It is normal and natural to grieve for the end of a relationship and the loss of a dream. When  you are at a crossroads in life, lean on the Pig to take stock of what you want to keep with you and what you want to leave behind. As the most fertile domestic animal Pig is a symbol of your new life and will give you hope and courage for the future as well as helping you to let go of the past.

Image by Kameron Kincade
Bespoke Pig Magic
Image by Diego San

Bespoke Pig Magic

You might be working in the caring profession as a therapist, coach, healer or helpful person and welcome an alternative or supplementary approach to traditional supervision. Pig will help you cut through the crap and help you decide how to handle your own selfcare and protect your boundaries. Other bespoke Pig Magic might include soul midwifery to help with end of life care, pet loss or tenderly exploring the mixed feelings and many colours of grief, otherwise known as the other side of love. If you feel the need for Pig as a friend and companion do reach out.

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